Every piece of product is our pride. Equipment and assembly parts manufactured by ushave passed the test process in the actual work at various levels. We are trusted by the motor vehicle production companies to be the manufacturer of the parts in the main working system in the automobile motor (First tier).Also, the hard disk and electronics manufacturers in Thailand have relied on us in original equipment manufacturer or OEM. They all have faith in us until they decided that we should be responsible for their targets and success in the pilot projects. We have been responsible for producing parts and assembling the system for them. It is our pride that we have been trusted enough to do the work that can impact the fame of our customers. We also take part in the production enhancement or the mass production quality improvement. There are many successful projects that we have participated and collaborated with our customers. These create the differences and have become the edge in comparison to others for the results always come out favorably. We are proud to be the manufacturer, handing the job over and to be the user of the final product as well.